CyberPeace – Centre of Excellence


A community-driven collaborative research and innovation framework for academia. The idea is to harness the potential of young talents to research and innovate on potential areas of technical solutions on cyber security and warfare.

Being a collaborative platform, the Industry, Government and other entities can share their problem statements and contribute towards innovative products and services. Our COEs established across different states across the country work on cutting each technology and issues surrounding the cyber space. On and off, they also take up some novel ideas and develop prototypes and solutions on their own.

WHY E-Raksha (CoE) collaboration with academia


Cyber Security is a center stage in our lives, but we continue to overlook the threat posed to national and individual security putting ourselves in peril. Over the years analysts and officials in government, and outside, have talked about the shortage of capability and capacity but the efforts to address these issues are found to be wanting, in terms of commitment, resource allocation, and effort. While we laud the leadership of other countries in the domain, praise their skill incubators and seek partnerships, our own national effort for skill building, using the same models, is yet to be put into operations.

India has the largest number of educated youth and every year thousands are passing out of our Universities looking at joining the national workforce. The human resource is unmatched, in skill or numbers, and millions have migrated to the west to contribute to the success and growth of their enterprises and governments. Migration is (usually) on top of the minds of these young adults, and India is poorer for it.

These Centre seeks to explore a plan to harness the talent pool from among the youth through the participation of academic institutions, through programs to nurture innovations. Programs which will throw up challenges to institutions, their students, and faculty, to work closely with government, law enforcement agencies, and armed forces, taking up research and development programs addressing use cases provided by them.